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Mr. Derek McEwen is the V.P. of Client Services for Accounts International. He is responsible for the strategic and tactical development of the products, services, and value proposition for AI’s offerings.

Mr. McEwen has over 15 years of experience in personal and corporate tax analysis, management, and preparation. His tax strategy programs have assisted clients across the U.S. in minimizing federal and state tax liabilities.

Mr. McEwen also has an extensive background in auditing. His clients include corporations and U.S. government agencies such as NASA, the Internal Revenue Service, & the Department of Labor. Mr. McEwen is a founding partner of McEwen Accounting Services where he oversees the preparation of several thousand tax returns annually. This scope of services includes the preparation and strategic analysis for both corporate & personal tax clients.

Mr. McEwen is a graduate of Villanova University with a B.S. Accounting from the School of Commerce and Finance. While a student at Villanova, Mr. McEwen was a 4-year starter of the Nationally Ranked Football Team.
